Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Outline of First Term Paper (Kung Fu Panda)

Term Paper Outline: Kung Fu Panda
A. Animated Feature Film: Kung Fu Panda (2008)
B. Thesis – Dreamworks’ Kung Fu Panda, like many kung fu films, greatly exaggerates the laws of physics to dramatize and showcase the martial arts in the film.

Body Paragraphs

1. Superhuman feats and Exaggerated force
- Tigress backflips off of the temple mountain cliff side and lands on a rooftop with ease.
- Mantis is able to hold up a long bridge while five characters fought on it.
- Shifu extinguished a large circle of candles with a flick of his palm.
- Tai Lung causes serious destruction to buildings and pavement during his fight with Po.

2. Broken Gravity
- Master Oogway is able to balance on a walking stick and move around on its tip like a feather.
- Tai Lung runs up and across falling stalactites to reach higher ground.
- The Furious Five fight Tai Lung on a broken rope bridge. There are moments where they are suspended in air.
- Crane is able to fly while carrying the rest of the Furious Five.
- Tai Lung kicks Shifu through the roof and floats in the air during the apex while fighting him.
- Non-Kung Fu characters/ instances follow the rules of gravity.

3. Exaggerated Weight, Squash, and Stretch
- Trees and bamboo bend unrealistically to Po’s weight for comedic/strategic effect.
- The slow motion scenes show exaggerated squash and stretch of faces for comedic effect.
- Po’s body (mainly his belly) squashes and stretches when he is fighting Tai Lung.
- Po and Tai Lung bounce down stairs and off rooftops. Results in squashing of faces.

- The laws of physics in the film Kung Fu Panda are broken many times when showcasing martial arts.
- Breaking the laws of physics greatly increases the entertainment value and interest in kung fu in the film while still keeping the fight scenes family friendly.

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