Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Outline of the Second Term Paper

Outline for Second Term Paper


-Most movies and video game cutscenes feature space battles filled with the sounds of lasers and explosions.
-There is no sound in space, but it is added for dramatic effect.
-Three scenes that break this physical law are in Destiny, Halo 2, and Star Wars VI.


-There is no sound in space because sound waves move through through a medium such as oxygen or water. There is nothing in the vacuum of space.
-With no oxygen or atmosphere, explosions and lasers would not be heard, only seen.
-Explosions and fast moving objects would sound very different than they would in atmosphere.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi VI- Battle of Endor
    -The scene shows the battle between Rebel alliance forces and the Empire fleet.
    -The scene has very loud explosions and noise from ships like the TIE fighters.

Halo 2 - Return to sender scene
    -The Master Chief jumps out of the MAC station with the Covenants’ bomb and flies past lasers and explosions.
    -Explosions and lasers have sound for dramatic effect.

Destiny: The Taken King - Assault on the Dreadnaught scene
    -The Awoken fleet attacks the Dreadnaught and its fleet in the rings of Saturn.
    -Ships are heard zooming by, exploding, and shooting.

Correct Examples

-Some films/video games choose to follow the laws of physics to an extent to add suspense.
    -Destiny: The Taken King - Final projectiles and the Dreadnaught blast
        -The explosions from the final projectiles and the blast have a muted sound that follow the cues of the music to add suspense to the scene.

    -Serenity - Shooting a Reaver ship
        -There is no sound when Mal uses the turret to shoot a Reaver ship in space just before they escape.


-Although the laws of physics state that there can be no sound in the vacuum of space, sound effects are added to scenes for dramatic effect and an awe factor.
-Sometimes sound effects can be muted or muffled to add suspense or a false sense of realism.
-Sci-Fi is moving towards more effective use of sound (or lack of) in space scenes.

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